
Here we go! We're back at it again, which is completely annihilating my blog website and starting over from scratch. This time I got rid of Jekyll and might soon write my own SSG for my website instead, which gotta be a lot of fun.

This website's design is heavily inspired by (if not a complete copy of) elly's site, which I can tell has a really iconic design that someone made a jekyll theme out of it and it got really popular.

Anyway, recently I've been dedicating myself to Aati, a cross-platform package manager written in rust. It's a nice small project but I think it should expand, that's why I'm planning on implementing Dependency Resolution & Package caching in the future, Inshallah it's gonna become something bigger than what it is right now.

By the way, Aati is not referring to the supposed egyptian goddess. It's a word in Arabic that's used to refer to someone coming from somewhere while bringing something back with him, which describes what Aati does when it fetches packages from APRs.

I also tried making my own interpreted programming language in Rust, Silm, but it was a failed experiment to be honest. It did have some cool features that I didn't think I can implement before but it's nothing serious. I did try to implement a QBE-based compiler for Silm but that went in my projects folder and never got out because it was very poor and so I decided to halt any new progress on Silm until I get my hands dirty in compilers and stuff like that.

Either way, as I said I'm planning on making my own site generator, so if that goes well I won't be writing this HTML anymore. See you later, codebros!

Published on the 9th of July, 2023.